Toor dal(kandi pappu)--1 cup
Chopped onions-----1/4cup
Tamatos chopped----2
Green chilles---------2
chopped ciliantro---2t.s
Gingergarlic paste--1/2ts
Cumin seeds--------Few
Mustard seeds------Few
garlic-------------1 clove
Chana dal-----------1/4ts
black gram----------1/4ts
Salt-----------------To taste
Chilli powder------1/2t.s
Red chilli---------1
1. Take 1cup of toor dal in a pressure cooker, wash it and add 2 cups of water.
2. Add chopped onions, chopped tomatos, green chillies, turmeric and ginger garlic paste.
3. mix all the ingredients nicely and close the cooker with its lid and place the weight valve on it.
4. Turn on the stove and cook the mixture for 3 whistles.
5. turn off the stove and wait untill all the gas escapes from the cooker.
6. take off the weight valve and open the cooker.
7. mash the mixture.
8. add salt and chili powder and mix again.
9. Now we will prepare tadaka/ talimpu.
10. heat oil in a pan and add redchilli, onions and cook them for 1min. and now add cumin seeds
mustard seeds, mashed garlic chana dal and black gram and sautee them nicley untill onion turn brown.
11. Now add this tadka to cooked dal and mix it.
12. finally garnish with ciliantro. serve with rice or chapati along with Mango pickle. tates delicious.
If you like my dish plz rate it and follow my blog. thnq
hi, tried this and it tastes delicious!! thanks for a great recipe...
Hi is very good to knw that my efforts are liked by users....very few people return and write comments...we dont wait for comments but these comments are only source that make us to knw how our recipes are...appreciate ur comment...keep following my blog.. thnq