Chicken(Breast/ thighs)----------------4 pieces
Chopped onions-----1/4cup
chopped ciliantro---2t.s
Cumin seeds--------Few
Cumin powder------1ts
Coriander powder--1ts
Garam masala------1/4ts
Dry coconut powder--2ts
Salt-----------------To taste
Chilli powder------1/2t.s
1. Take chicken cut it into medium size cubes by removing extra fat and wash it.
2. take a pan heat it add oil.
3. add cumin seeds, after they splutter add onions and little bit of salt which aids to cook onions faster.
4. after the onions are half cooked add gingergarlic paste and turmeric and cook it until raw flavor of garlic
goes away.
5. add chicken and cook it untill 80% done by stirring it in constant intervals.
6.Now add chopped tomatos and coconut powder and cook it until tomatos are completely cooked.
7. Add red chilli powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, salt and garam masala.
8. cook for 5 min in simmer by adding little water if you want gravy.
9. After the curry is cooked garnish with ciliantro and serve it...goes well with bagara/ plain rice/chapati.
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